Fashion Blogger's Choice: Moi Minnie for Raffaella D'angelo

Moi Minnie

Today we talk with Minnie,the wonderful fashion blogger of Moi Minnie, about self confidence, latest fashion's tip and the new Cruise Collection by Raffaella D'angelo, let's start!

Moi Minnie
Hi Minnie,  tell us a little bit about yourself.

I'm a 22 year old textile and fashion design graduate, currently woring on my first collection. I'm styling, photographing, writing my blog from Belgrade, Serbia. I'm also one of the official bloggers for . I started writing Moiminnie back in the fall of 2010. Like most of the bloggers, I wanted an outlet where I could express my style and show my photography and write about my passions and everything I like/don't like. My passions are definitely style and fashion as a phenomenon. Love reading about it, love exploring and experimenting with different styles a lot. Photography is a great passion of mine as well. Also reading, learning, travelling, getting better at what I do.

Moi Minnie

What's your fashion philosophy? 

Well, I'm all about mixing'n'matching and having a vision about the way you're dressing. Fashion and style should be fun and make our lives a little less boring. I always love to try out new things and see how they fit into my personal style. Change is a good thing too, and shouldn’t be frowned upon but embraced as a positive experience. My style changes all the time. Also, I tend to not limit and categorize myself in anything I do, as it surely does your creativity no good. I wear what I like and that’s it.

What are three items you always keep in your purse?

Except necessities like wallet, keys and phone, I always bring my concealer, chapstick and perfume with me.

Moi Minnie
What is your number one beauty secret for looking so amazing before a shoot or a fashion event? 

The day before just do what you enjoy, it may be couch surfing or looking through blogs, eating a nice dinner, having your favorite drink, spending time with your loved ones, reading a book….whatever relaxes you and makes you happy. Also try to go to bed early and get your beauty sleep, so you’d feel relaxed and fresh the next morning.

What do you think is the best piece in the newest Raffaella D'angelo Cruise Collection?

Raffaella D'Angelo Cruise Collection

I’m so into 60’s and the whole mod thing so I have to say it’s this gorgeous two piece. Love the cut, pastel colors and minimal detailing.

Lingerie must be comfortable or sexy?

I think that if you’re comfortable in your own skin, you will be comfortable in any underwear and therefore feel pretty sexy. Attitude is key :)

Moi Minnie

Do you have any advice for girls who need a self-confidence boost?

I know it’s hard to come out of a shell sometimes, but seriously – you just need to believe in yourself! You can do it all if you try and put your mind to it. Appearance wise, eat healthy, do exercises, try out a different hair color and maybe start doing your make up differently, it’s amazing how much it can help you feel better about yourself. It’s always the littlest things :)

Best advice you've ever gotten?

 “If you don’t do it yourself, no one’s going to do it for you.”

Moi Minnie

Where are you heading next and what can we expect to see in your future?

At the moment, I’m actually working on my graduate collection and am in the process of sketching garments, designing the custom textile prints, looking for fabrics, brainstorming about the lookbook shoot… Can’t wait to see it finished! I try not to have many plans as I never know what happens next. As for my goals, I’d love to work as a stylist, a fashion editor at a magazine and as a designer for a fashion house. Then, maybe start my own clothing label someday. I also do web design and art direction, so maybe I’ll go that way. I also hope I take my blog to the next level in the near future as I work hard to make it look as professional and creative as possible. Would love to start working with brands with the same vision and approach to fashion as me.

Moi Minnie

 Keep in touch:
Minnie on Facebook & Blog 
Valery Lingerie Facebook & Pinterest
Raffaella D'Angelo Facebook & Site

Collage by Moi Minnie
Moi Minnie's selection of best pieces from Raffaella D'Angelo Cruise Collection
Raffaella D'Angelo Cruise Collection

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3 commenti:

Natalia Beroiz ha detto...

Ohh Minnie es so nice!

Xoxo, Nati

Rhea ha detto...

Love this interview. She has such amazing style and her advice is perfect.

moiminnie ha detto...

Looks amazing! Thanks for the compliments ladies! xx

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