Fashion Bloggers & wants YOU!!!


We are looking for the real next season fashion trends, girls & boys, c'mon!

Would you like to be featured on our Fashion Bloggers  facebook fan page as 
"The Look of the Day"?

1) Register on and upload your look!

2) Everyday Fashion Bloggers Team will choose the "The Look of the Day" from Stylosis  Fashion Community.

3) You can try everyday, share your style with us!

4) The competition will last a month ( Start on March 11st) 


Stylosis is a fashion stylist website, enabling fashion conscious people to share fashionable items of their daily wardrobe and their normal daily lifestyle. 

The main objective is to Interact with key stylists and friends, to share and communicate daily trends and obtain advise on what to wear , to ensure each item of clothing, footwear, accessories is compiled to make use of all your wardrobe and make you look and feel good. 

Trends can be posted and photos can be uploaded, feedback can be given taking the indecisive task of what to wear out of your hands and coherently discussed within your circle of friends / stylists. 

Fashion is key in making you look and feel good, our mission is to ensure we help you achieve this by making use of your current wardrobe and adding to it key pieces, with the added facility of sharing stylist/ user feedback to help make decisions!

Find Stylosis on Facebook and Twitter

Fashion Bloggers   Twitter  ♥   Google Plus ♥  Pinterest ♥  Instagram  Tumblr

4 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...


Coco e l'Istrione Blog

Coco Du Trocadèro su Facebook

Unknown ha detto...

Done!!! :)

Denise Martins ha detto...

love it! done :]

xoxo, Deni

Unknown ha detto...

Love it! Done :D

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