Outgoing Taste Blog for Nikki Rich Fashion City Contest

Karolina, fashion blogger of Outgoing Taste Blog

Nikki Rich  launched the second Fashion Bloggers Contest: THE FASHION CITY CONTEST, for more informations and the official rules visit Nikki Rich's blog.
Are you ready to go around the world?

Today we talk with Karolina, fashion blogger of  Outgoing Taste Blog! 

Hi, tell us a little bit about yourself!

Hi, I’m Karolina and I’m a blogger from www.outgoingtaste.wordpress.com.
I started blogging about 2 years ago, soon there is a b- day of my blog coming: ))
Outgoingtaste is mostly about how I see fashion each day, how I play with it and present different results of my ideas for daily looks. I’m a huge cuisine enthusiast so I also post about places worth visiting! I’m a student from Warsaw, a total life enthusiast!  

Describe fashion in the city where you live.

Fashion in Warsaw is still looking waiting for it’s moment to shine and show its more vivid and individual side.

What do you think is the best piece in the Nikki Rich Fall Collection?

Paradise belted jacket/dress is something which suits just perfectly for the streets of Warsaw, especially during the cold weather. Classy and chic, makes each woman proudly distinguish herself!

Nikki Rich
Would you like to be feautured on Social Wardrobe and Fashion Bloggers?
Read the official rules and enter the Fashion City Contest.

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