The Fashion Fraction for Nikki Rich Fashion City Contest

Michele, fashion blogger of The Fashion Fraction
Nikki Rich  launched the second Fashion Bloggers Contest: THE FASHION CITY CONTEST, for more informations and the official rules visit Nikki Rich's blog.
Are you ready to go around the world?

Today we talk with Michele, fashion blogger of The Fashion Fraction! 

Hi, tell us a little bit about yourself!

My Name is Michèle, I'm a 21 years old blogger based in beautiful little Switzerland. 
My Blog obviously has a focus on fashion, what I like and what I wear. Beside my blog I'm working as a graphic designer in Zurich.
But whenever I find time I'm concentrate on my blog and study the new fashion trends in magazines or other blogs. 
My trademark are probably my pattern and color mixes. I love to break rules and combine stuff nobody would even think about to combine.

Describe fashion in the city where you live.

Well, in Switzerland people are kind of narrow-minded, not everywhere but especially in the small villages ( I live in one of them). That's why I'm very happy to spend most of my time in Zurich which is the biggest city here in Switzerland. In Zurich the people are used to see all kind of people and that's why the ones who dress different than all the other people are nothing special and nothing outstanding. Everybody get accepted as he is. But in fact when it comes to fashion Swiss people come off badly. Most of the people look all the same: Jeans & uni shirt/sweater/t-shirt. 

What do you think is the best piece in the Nikki Rich Fall Collection?

Nikki Rich
I'm mostly in love with the "stone dress". It's so elegant and classy but sexy at the same time. The belt put the final touches to the outfit! But there's another item I'm really obsessed with, namels the BettyJean trousers. As mentioned before I'm a huge fan of bold prints and that's what I like about this pants, but also love the cut!

Would you like to be feautured on Social Wardrobe and Fashion Bloggers?
Read the official rules and enter the Fashion City Contest.

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